Expand Your Comfort Zone

Eleven years ago I was in the middle of this circle.

I was insecure, I settled for less and I played it safe with just about everything I did. I said wanted change but I didn’t do anything about it.

I didn’t pursue my dreams or explore new things. I didn’t embrace the unknown or live without limits.

I felt trapped in a job I didn’t particularly like and I didn’t know how to be in a healthy relationship with another person let alone myself. I was a spectator in the stands of my life, not on the court playing all out.

I remember going to bed each night saying tomorrow is a new day only to do the same thing all over again. In that regard it was like the movie Groundhog Day, I functioned OK but I was profoundly unhappy.


We’re taught when we’re young that when you touch the stove and its hot that you don’t touch it anymore. That’s not the way expansion works. We grow the most through things that stretch us the most. It’s about doing, not thinking.

It’s about doing the things you don’t necessarily want to do. The things that stretch and challenge us.

A lot of people live in their perfectly formed comfort bubbles. They talk about wanting change but they don’t take the necessary action.

Remember, willingness without action is fantasy. Meaning, if your willingness for change isn’t followed up by real action then you’re just living in your head and overthinking things.

And overthinking is the number one deterrent to DOING. Hypotheticals and imagining what could be (bad or good) will not be what transforms your life.

It’s about taking the necessary action. You show up and take one step in the direction you want to go in and then another and another. Even when you want to quit because it gets challenging.

This becomes your practice and when a consistent practice is maintained, it can be a stable foundation which can be built upon to achieve everything you want in your life.

So how do you want the rest of this year to go? Are you going to explore new things and embrace the unknown or are you going to procrastinate and play it safe? Are you going to “think” about pursuing your dreams or are you going to get on the court right now and play all out?

It’s up to you. You’re the only one that can show up and do the work.

Take a risk. Be vulnerable. Try new things. Move forward in spite of fear and watch how your life changes for the better.


PS ~ What’s one new experience you can give yourself this coming month that will expand your comfort zone? Is it trying a new recipe? Meditating for five minutes? Watching a movie you’ve always wanted to watch? If you’re open to sharing I’d love to know.