What's holding you back?

I used to come home from work and watch television and play video games every single night. It was my pattern. My comfort zone.

I said I wanted more for my life but I didn’t do anything about it. I didn’t pursue my dreams or explore new things. 

I didn’t embrace the unknown or live without limits. I was a spectator in the stands of my life and my comfort zone prevented me from fully knowing myself.

I would go to bed each night disappointed saying I “wasted” another day yet when I woke up in the morning it was like I had amnesia and I would repeat the cycle all over again. I was caught in a loop and I didn’t know how to get out of it.    
Then one day when I did something radical – I put my television in the closet and I sold my Xbox. It was my defining line in the sand moment and it worked. And just like that, my pattern was disrupted. 

Most of us, on a week to week or even sometimes day-to-day basis, use something to help us escape our lives. We turn to television or video games when we feel alone or isolated.  

We use sugar or pornography when we feel stress or guilt. We compulsively date or scroll on our phones when we feel fear, anger, or envy.

We use these things as substitutes for nurturing, care, and support. In the process, we abandon ourselves and our full potential and never end up living the life we really want to be living.

That’s the crazy thing about our comfort zones. They can convince us that life is better without the discomfort that comes with going for our dreams. That change is bad and something to fear.

But that’s not how expansion works. We grow the most through things that stretch us the most.

So let me ask you - what’s one thing you could eliminate right now that would dramatically improve your life?  
Is it scrolling on your phone? Complaining? Being late?
Or maybe it’s sugar or judging others. Whatever it is, you can let it go. Are you ready?
I’ve created a one-on-one program designed to help you embrace what you want in life and say goodbye to the one big thing holding you back. Intellectually, you probably know what is getting in the way. Yet day after day, month after month, and maybe even year after year, nothing changes. 

In this program you'll learn about the difference between intention and commitment and you’ll become a person of your word and learn new habit building strategies. It’s for individuals that are open, eager, and willing to get uncomfortable – to stretch.  

It’s for you if…

  • you want to finish something in 30 days

  • you are going through a break-up

  • you think you have an addiction

  • you waste time

  • you feel stuck in the same patterns

  • you want to expand your comfort zone

It’s for someone that wants their life to start reflecting their dreams and big desires NOW.  

If you or someone you know are interested in learning more or have any questions feel free reach out to me at thezacharygoodson@gmail.com and we can talk.

Sending love,