Obstacles ARE the way

Are you familiar with The Hero’s Journey?
The Hero's Journey, or the monomyth as it’s called, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed.
We see this in movies all the time.  Luke Skywalker left his home planet to join Obi-Wan Kenobi to save Princess Leia.  Neo got unplugged from The Matrix.  Dorothy went on a journey where she had to face tests and challenges in The Wizard of Oz.
The similarity?  Transformation occurred for all of them when they made a choice to leave the safety of their comfort zones and learned to navigate the unknown.
The same goes for real life, only it’s personal.  It’s about us and us alone.
When we want change in our lives we need to slay our dragons, AKA, go through our obstacles to get there.  To do this we have to go to a new place, perhaps dark and mysterious to us, and face ourselves and our fears.
Only in facing our deepest fears can we discover hidden qualities and values that we’ve had sitting inside of us all along.  We just didn’t know it because we kept telling ourselves it was too scary to face.
It’s about going through our darkness to come into the light.  And in the process, going from an unsatisfied life to the life you’ve always wanted.
In order to do this you first have to make a decision to leave the safety of your comfort zone.  For some of you that might mean leaving the comfort and safety of sweat pants, popcorn and Netflix and going to a networking event where you know no one.  For others, it might be taking sugar out of the pantry and replacing it with healthy, whole foods.  Regardless, in order for change to occur you need to be willing to depart from the world as you know it.  
This can be scary because of the unknown.  There might be trials and tribulations to navigate through.  Dragons to slay and troll bridges to cross.  That’s scary shit.
And…this is how we transform.  By going through our obstacles, not by avoiding them.
Luke becomes a Jedi and comes to peace with his past.  Neo embraces his destiny and liberates himself.  Dorothy learns that she had the ability to get back home all on her own, all along.  
Obstacles ARE the way. 
A resource that I share with a lot of my clients is a movie called Finding Joe.  It’s about uncovering your bliss and being the hero of your own life.  It’s about hearing the call to adventure and answering it. 
Are you ready and willing to do the same?
If YES, I invite you to connect with me one-on-one for a complimentary laser coaching session.
Together, we will explore the potential and obstacles of your hero’s journey and how you can create the freedom, fun, and fulfillment you truly desire.  You’ll walk away knowing the dragons that are in your way and the next steps for you to take to vanquish them.
The hero’s journey requires action.  To claim your spot, send an email to thezacharygoodson@gmail.com
Dragons, beware!