30 Days Without _
with Zachary Goodson
A month long individual coaching program designed to help you embrace what you really want in life while saying goodbye to the one big thing that’s holding you back.
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
~ Joseph Campbell
When you learn to confront your fears rather than run away from them, the next stage of your life begins.
What is 30 Days Without _ ?
In the simplest of terms – it’s a pattern disrupter. Let me explain.
Most of us, on a week to week or even sometimes day-to-day basis, use something to help us escape our lives.
We turn to television or video games when we feel alone or isolated.
We use sugar or pornography when we feel stress or guilt.
We compulsively date or scroll on our phone when we feel fear, anger, or envy.
We use these things as substitutes for nurturing, care, and support. And in the process, we abandon ourselves and our full potential and never end up living the life we really want to be living.
All of these are ways our comfort zone can have a hold over our lives. I know, because I’ve been there.
Twelve years ago I was in the middle of this circle.
See, that’s me with the umbrella.
I was insecure. I settled for less and I played it safe with just about everything I did. I said wanted change but I didn’t do anything about it.
I didn’t pursue my dreams or explore new things. I didn’t embrace the unknown or live without limits.
I was a spectator in the stands of my life, not on the court playing all out, and my comfort zone prevented me from fully knowing myself and sharing my gifts with the world.
We’re taught when we’re young that when you touch the stove and it’s hot that you don’t touch it anymore. That’s not the way expansion works. We grow the most through things that stretch us the most.
And that’s what I did – I started stretching. I got out of my comfort zone.
I stopped using things to escape my pain-filled reality: things like television and video games or scrolling on my phone and getting lost in Facebook.
I eliminated the things I was using to play it safe and in the process, met myself for the first time.
And now I want to share with you what I learned and support you in making the changes you want.
30 Days Without _ is one of the most impactful and fast-working techniques available to help you get in touch with who you really are.
This program is for you if…
you want to finish something in 30 days
you are going through a break-up
you think you have an addiction
you waste time
you feel stuck in the same patterns
you want to expand your comfort zone