Where are you on your ladder?

Are you familiar with the ladder of consciousness?  In the simplest of terms – it’s a ladder.  But for the sake of this article – it’s so much more. 
At the top is where we have access to things like creativity, imagination, gratitude and problem solving to name a few.  It’s where we operate at our highest capacity or potential.
At the bottom is fear, anger and unworthiness.  Powerlessness is another.  A notch above that - doubt and worry.
I’m sharing this with you because some days we are at the top of our ladder and others we can be at the bottom.  Trust me, I know.  The other day I was at the bottom swimming in a pool of despair and it felt like there was nothing in the world that could help me.
It happens to the best of us.  We drop down the ladder and all hope goes out the window. 
“Negative party of one?”  “Negative party of one?”  “Your table is ready.”
When I was at the bottom of my ladder the other day it was on the heels of a challenging conversation with my wife, a rescheduled conversation with someone I really wanted to talk to, a “no” from another person I really wanted to work with, and a feeling of being in a rut and unable to get out.  
I’ve been in that rut before and the walls on either side seem unscalable.  It’s dark there, with little sunlight. 
There’s no hope.  No imagination.  It’s a place that makes me want to curl up in a ball and have a pity party.
Can you relate?
But here’s the thing – you can’t solve a problem from a place like that.  At the bottom.  I’ve been there.  I’ve tried that.  It’s impossible.
So how do we shift (aka move up the ladder) when we’re in this kind of head space and all hope seems lost?  
The good news is there are options. Yes options.  We always have options even when it feels like we don’t.
One way to shift is to do free form writing which is a supportive practice you can use for releasing disturbing thoughts and feelings.  The purpose is to help release thoughts and feelings, any emotional reactivity that gets stored in our mind and body. 
Another way is through physical activity like laughing, singing and dancing - or LSD as I heard someone call it. There’s also meditation or anything that brings in your breath. 
The point being, when we are at the bottom of our ladder we are just one thought or action away from the top.  The top is where we can approach and see things differently. 
And look at the view from the top of the ladder.  You’re above the mountains, aka the rut I was talking about earlier, and the sun is shining down on you.  
You’re above the clouds and in a place to receive love, peace and joy.  Not a bad place to be if you ask me.  You deserve to feel the warmth of the sun shining down upon you. 
So when you find yourself in a rut or at the bottom of your ladder a great question to ask yourself is: 
What’s one positive thought that will shift me back into my highest level of creativity and inspiration?  
We can always think, breath, meditate and create ourselves back up.  Even in the face of challenges there are solutions. 
So - where are you on your ladder today?  Let me know.
Happy holidays.
PS ~ With New Year resolutions right around the corner perhaps this could be a good one for you. What are you going to do when you find yourself at the bottom of your ladder?