Just breathe...it's ok

As a writer and a coach there’s a part of me that wants to sound like I’ve got it all figured out.  Like I’m this evolved being.  
This includes outlandish thoughts that say I need a picture of me in a lotus pose meditating on a rock in Sedona, Arizona.  Or thoughts telling me I need the perfect online post offering inspiration and wisdom to all (that of course goes viral).  You know, that kind of woo woo stuff. 
Part of me feels like that’s what my last post was about.  Sounding evolved and enlightened.   
And while it’s true, I have evolved from where I was over a decade ago, I don’t think it’s a 100% accurate depiction of what this past year really looked like for me.  Truth is, this past year was, and sometimes still is, all about survival.  And that’s ok.  
Survival for me this past year looked like getting up at 6am most days to make coffee, prepare my daughter’s school lunch, getting her up and getting her fed, getting myself showered, then getting dressed and getting her dressed, driving us across town to get her to school then driving back across town to get to work, then going back across town to pick her up after work, then going to the grocery store for things for dinner, then making her dinner, then making myself dinner, then getting her bathed and her teeth brushed, then getting her to bed and finally myself to bed.  
CATCHING MY BREATH.  And that was one of my easier days.
Truth is, this past year was exhausting and on most days I was definitely NOT an enlightened being.  I was a guy taking life one day at a time.  Side note - mad props to all the single parents out there. 
What I’ve learned over the years is that some days you’ll feel like you’ve got your stuff together and others are all about survival.  
Either way it all boils down to living life ONE DAY AT A TIME.
Back to last year.  
Some days I watched Netflix.  Other days I fell asleep at 8:00pm, utterly and completely exhausted.
And you know what?  That’s ok.  Taking life one date at a time means to deal with each day’s problems as they come instead of worrying about the future. 
I’m sharing all this with you in the off chance that you are somewhere in the same vicinity that I was.  Maybe you’re thinking that you need to have everything in your life look and sound good because you’re trying to attract something.  Maybe you’re afraid to admit that you binged a show or your favorite fast food restaurant because you think someone might judge you.
If you are, please go easy on yourself.  Not that you need my permission but seriously just for today, right here right now, it’s ok to be just ok. 
You don’t need to have everything figured out, or even look like you have everything figured out.  Just being ok with being ok is good enough.  
And if you’re not ok, that’s ok too.  In fact, it’s essential.  An abnormal emotional response to an abnormal situation is perfectly normal.  
Don’t shove it down and try and avoid it.  We can’t pick and choose our emotions.  You can’t have happiness without sadness.  And sometimes you can’t have sadness without a good comfort meal.
There are days where we feel on our game and there are others that require love and kindness towards ourselves.  
Just remember, one day at a time is all you need.    